Data dodania: 2022-05-17
English with Borders: the differences between English across The Pond
Boot or trunk? Bonnet or hood? Lift or elevator? Confusing? English differs across the ocean, or, as the expression goes, across the Pond. Many learners often wonder why English is so diverse, so different, and, at the same time, so interesting and exciting, and yet so fun. Find out during this webinar why English has captivated and captured the attention of students around the world. Not many languages today can boast such a wide diversity of accents, dialects, vocabulary and means of expression as English. How did these differences, diversities and contrasts come about? How can they be understood and reconciled with the aim of speaking English fluently, clearly, confidently, and unambiguously. Tune in and find out. British, American, Australian and Canadian English are all variants of one language spoken by native speakers in the four corners of the globe. Truly, the sun never sets on the English language. Let’s focus on British and American English for starters…the two most popular forms of English in the world. Enjoy the fun!
The webinar will be conducted by mgr Robert Urbański
Mgr Robert Urbański
From a LINC teacher (Language Instruction to Newcomers to Canada) in Toronto to the University of Gdańsk American Studies lecturer, my teaching career has spanned over 25 years in both Poland and Canada and included many schools and institutions of English learning. It has included a diverse array of themes, motifs and subjects. My student base has also ranged from primary school pupils to high schoolers, university and college students and learners from different sectors of the professional spectrum. Aside from my passion for English, I am a proud, yet, busy father of three young boys and a caring husband. In a nutshell, English has been a source of inspiration, a means of income and a never-ending journey of curiosity and intellectual pursuit.
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