Join the Oxford Debate Club Gdańsk University of Technology | Politechnika Gdańska

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Data dodania: 2024-12-09

Join the Oxford Debate Club Gdańsk University of Technology

 Our Mission: Sharpen your English speaking skills while engaging in thought-provoking Oxford Debates!

 What you’ll Gain:

Boost Confidence: Speak fluently and effectively.

Critical Thinking: Learn to form compelling arguments.

Teamwork: Collaborate with peers to defend your position.

Real-Life Skills: Improve public speaking and persuasion.

Why Oxford Debate?

• Structured yet dynamic format.

• Encourages respectful dialogue.

• Perfect for developing academic and professional communication.

When & Where?

Day: Thursday/ The first Meeting is on Thursday, December 12th, 2024

Time: 5.00 pm

Location: Room 614 B Building (CJO), Gdańsk University of Technology

Who Can Join?

All levels are welcome! The club is for everyone passionate about improving English.

 How to Sign Up:

Email us at:

                        Let’s speak, learn, and have fun together!

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